《北加尔》是由Shiro Games制作的一款策略战棋类游戏,游戏讲述了经过多年的不懈探索,勇敢的维京人发现了一个充满神秘,危险和财富的新土地。最大的北门人已开始探索和征服这些新的海岸,用他们的名字命名,通过征服,交易或奉献给上帝写历史。 也就是说,他们能够生存在这片可怕的狼和亡灵战士并存的土地,结交朋友或击败巨人,即使在北部最严峻的冬天。

• Northgard – Sv fnir, Clan of the Snake

• Northgard – Nidhogg, Clan of the Dragon

• Northgard – Svardilfari, Clan of the Horse

• Northgard – Lyngbakr, Clan of the Kraken

• Northgard – Himminbrjotir, Clan of the Ox

• Northgard – Brundr & Kaelinn, Clan of the Lynx

• Northgard – Ratatoskr, Clan of the Squirrel Official

• Northgard – Dodsvagr, Clan of the Rat

• Northgard – Hr‘svelg, Clan of the Eagle

• Northgard – Cross of Vidar Expansion Pack

• Northgard – Kernev, Clan of the Stoat

• Northgard – Vordr, Clan of the Owl

• Northgard – Garm, Clan of the Hounds(新增)

• Northgard Soundtrack



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